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Balance Your Chakras with Crystals: 3 Simple Tools

Balancing chakras with crystals has become very popular recently. Not many people, however, know how to do it properly. Let's learn two methods.

crystals can be found under flowers


The Vibrations Of Colour

Moreover, each chakra and crystal vibrate with a given frequency of a given colour. For example, the third eye chakra’s colour is indigo, so the crystals of indigo will tune this chakra.

However, there are a few exceptions: clear quartz and amethyst can balance more than one chakra. The last one is mostly used for the third eye chakra, but some masters also apply it to the crown one.

Your chakras are thought to be influenced by your thoughts, actions, and emotions. If they are negative and toxic, your chakras may become unbalanced. Therefore, crystals can be used to balance your chakras.

Many people have found these practices to be useful but is important to note that these practices are not supported by any scientific research or evidence.

Which Crystals to Use

Now the time has come to choose the right crystal for each chakra. I will also remind you in short which areas of your life are covered by these energetic centres.

Crystals for the Root Chakra

It is located at the base of your spine in the vicinity of the colon and bladder. This chakra grounds you with the earth. It is also responsible for family, survival, health, security, and progression.

All of the red or black colours and in particular: garnet, ruby, bloodstone, red jasper, smoky quartz, red jasper, onyx, hematite and black tourmaline.

Crystals for the Sacral Chakra

It is located just above the pubic bone. This chakra connects you to other people and boosts confidence, creativity, all energy levels, and sexual health. All the orange colour, and in particular: carnelian, orange calcite, moonstone, golden topaz and orange garnet.

Crystals for the Solar Plexus Chakra

It is located at your diaphragm and is your core, from the chest down to the abs. This chakra is responsible for the connection to your emotions, desires, sense of self, personal power, confidence, and self-control.

Use yellow crystals and in particular: citrine, yellow jasper, golden calcite, yellow tourmaline, golden beryl, sunstone tiger's eye, amber, and golden topaz.

Crystals for the Heart Chakra

It is in the same place as your physical heart and is the centre of your being and all your other chakras, connecting the spirit and the matter. You connect to love, relationships, forgiveness, trust, and safety here.

All green and pink stones will do the job, and in particular: rose quartz, emerald, jade, kunzite, malachite, watermelon tourmaline, green fluorite, rhodochrosite, and morganite.

Crystals for the Throat Chakra

It is located at the base of your throat and this chakra is responsible for your communication, expression, freedom, and leadership.

All of those of light blue colour will help, and in particular: turquoise, aquamarine, sodalite, azurite, blue lace agate, blue kyanite and blue obsidian

Crystals for the Third Eye Chakra

It is located just above your physical eyes on your forehead encompassing the brain. This chakra and connects you to your thoughts, mind, dreams, intuition, inspiration, and psychic abilities.

Lapis lazuli, sapphire, purple fluorite, lepidolite, dumortierite, blue tiger's eye, amethyst, sodalite and Herkimer diamond

Crystals for the Crown Chakra

It is located at the top of your head above your body. This chakra connects you to your spirituality, wisdom, and enlightenment, and the universe represents wisdom and universality. White violet crystals are helpful, and in particular: clear quartz, amethyst, clear topaz, diamond, white jade, selenite, phenacite and pyrite.

How To Balance Your Chakras with Crystals

There are a couple of methods that you can use. I will describe three of them in today's post.

1. Laying on Crystals

Before you begin to balance, rinse your crystals under cold running water. This removes any contaminants and old negative energy gathered around. These crystals should only be used for balancing your chakras. Do not bring them in your bag or pockets.

For beginners, seven crystals, each for one chakra, are enough for balancing. However, I will also describe another method where fifteen crystals have to be used.

Step One: Prepare

Relax and prepare to balance your chakras. Go to a quiet place and then lay on your stomach because then it is easier to apply crystals to your root chakra. You can also choose to lie on your back, but them applying crystals to your root chakra will be uncomfortable.

Take a few deep breaths and exhale slowly to relax. As you inhale, imagine that you are breathing in healing white light. As you exhale, imagine that you are breathing out all your stress and negative emotions.

Set the mood with anything else you find relaxing such as music, nature sounds, or the sound of running water.

Step Two: Relax Your Mind

Your energy is connected to your thoughts. It is important that you have positive thoughts when you are trying to balance your chakras. Should you struggle, being overloaded with negativity and overthinking, imagine being on vacation, lying on the beach, and listening to the sound of the sea.

Keep this image with you during the process of balancing your chakras with crystals.

Further reading about mind and mental health:

Step Three: Place Crystals on Your Chakras

Take the crystal that corresponds to your chakra and then place it on that chakra. Place another quartz crystal around your coloured crystal to intensify the effect. You can use all - the clear rose and smoky quartz.

They activate the energy centres of your body and have the power to modify existing energy. You can place the crystals directly on your skin or on top of your clothes. Start at the root and work your way up. Place the crown chakra crystal right above your head instead of directly on your head.

Step Four: Focus on Healing

After having put all the crystals on your chakras, imagine that the crystal is glowing and spreading throughout your chakra. Allow the crystals to work. Do not do anything extra. Leave them in place for between five and ten minutes, and then evaluate how you feel.

During these ten minutes, visualise that the healing energy is going through your chakras, starting from red (root chakra) and then going through orange (sacral chakra), yellow (solar plexus chakra), green or pink (heart chakra), light blue (throat chakra)e, indigo (brow chakra) and ending on the purple one (crown chakra).

A Word Of Caution

Your symptoms may be worse after you place the crystals on your body. This means that a lot of negative energy is being released in one go and temporarily it causes discomfort. Do not stop the process.

After ten minutes remove the crystals unless you do not feel better and still feel discomfort. Then, leave the crystals on for another five to ten minutes.

Sometimes people have a long-term blockage (e.g. chronic pain or long-term depression). Then it may be advisable to take more than one session to balance your chakra. Focus on making small improvements instead of achieving complete balance in one session.

Step Five: Remove Crystals

After having finished your session, remove each of the crystals. Start at the crown chakra and work your way down. You do not have to deactivate your crystals. However, if you want to use them again, remember to rinse them.

2. Placing Crystals on the Body and Around

This is the second method that you can use. For this method, choose some larger pieces of crystals. You will need:

  • 6 Pieces Of Clear Quartz - Place 4 around your body: 1 above the head, 1 beside the left arm, 1 beside the right arm and 1 below the feet. Hold 1 in each hand.

  • 1 Clear Quartz - Place near the crown of your head (the Crown Chakra)

  • 1 Amethyst - Place on your forehead (the Third Eye Chakra)

  • 1 Sodalite- Place on your throat (the Throat Chakra)

  • 1 Aventurine - Place over your heart (4the Heart Chakra)

  • 1 Citrine - Place on your abdomen (the Solar Plexus Chakra)

  • 1 Carnelian - Place over your spleen area (the Sacral Chakra)

  • 1 Smoky Quartz - Place over your pubic bone (the Root Chakra)

  • 2 Pieces of Hematite - Place one near the sole of each foot

Lie down on your back, relax, and place the crystals on your chakras and around your body according to the description above. Clear your mind, relax, and let the crystals do the work.

A Word of Caution

It is a very strong session because the outer pattern of Clear Quartz crystals forms a diamond shape, or two triangles set base to base.

This activates the crystal energy by connecting the crystal at the top of your head down to the one by the left hand, then descends to the crystal at your feet, then up to the one in your right hand and finally ascending to join the crystal at the head again.

The crystal energy flow will activate the inner pattern of stones on your Chakras and your chakra cleansing will be complete.

You can lie with your crystals for ten minutes or more if required (check the process for the first method). Then remove them. You can also sleep with these crystals, but remember to place the ones which are on your chakras next to you, as you will be turning around.

There are some other ways of using crystals for balancing your chakras. many people wear necklaces with the appropriate crystal, others carry a small bag with gemstones.

3. Combine Crystals Healing with Meditation

You can use any of the two methods described above and meditate at the same time. it will empower the healing process and help you to connect with other beings during meditation. Remember to cleanse the crystals after this practice.

Let's meditate together

Connect by telepathy during meditation on Saturdays at 8 pm GMT. I will meditate with you and other people so that our joint energy can create miracles. Send your intention to the Universe. Transform your life and the world.

More about meditation

In A Nutshell

Today you have learned how to use crystals for balancing your chakras. There are two methods of doing it: lying on the crystals or having them on and around your body. Whichever method you will choose, they both work efficiently. Good luck. With lots of love and light,



Vicky is an experienced holistic writer and coach that inspires, motivates, and encourages everyone to become the best version of themselves - physically, mentally, and spiritually.


The content of Awaken Happy Life is published for educational and informative purposes only. It does not substitute medical or any other professional advice. Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition. The author of Awaken Happy Life is not liable for any consequences of applying any piece of advice published on this website by the reader.‍

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