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How You Can Protect from People Radiating Low Vibrations

We are all energy, no matter whether we want it or not. Meeting other people exposes us to various kinds of vibrations. How to protect from low frequencies?

low vibrations are like heavy drops of dirty water


You may ask me: "Should I never meet these people?" or "Is avoidance the only way of protection?" I can assure that not and you will shortly learn why.

When you are empathetic and aware of spiritual growth, you can sense the kind of vibration as soon as you appear at a given place, recognising if someone is sad, even while smiling or aggression masked by politeness, You discover fear in people who are prone to start fights and argue.

How to Protect from Beings Having Low Vibrations

Unfortunately, sometimes we may take the vibrations of other people as yours or just take them to ourselves. Then suddenly you start feeling sad, angry, or afraid of something, not knowing why.

Before I describe the ways how to protect from low vibrations, remember one truth:


1. Understand the Reason for Negative Vibrations

When you meet someone with low vibrations, there is more than one reason for that. They may feel uncomfortable in your presence, which can be the result of negative interactions in their past lives. They may feel ill and take medications that lower vibrations (e.g. chemotherapy).

However, there is another reason for feeling low vibrations. Other people may be our mirrors, showing you lack forgiveness, self-love, too harsh self-criticism and some other kinds of things of self-destruction.

You can feel resistance being around a given person and unwillingness to accept him/her as they are. It does not mean blind liking negative traits or loving this person.

Yet if you feel resistance, the problem lies in your head. Then you need to control your thinking and change negative beliefs. Instead of an automatic reaction, you seek a solution.

Therefore, the next time you feel uncomfortable around someone who in fact, has not done you anything, ask yourself some questions:

  • Do I feel uncomfortable around this person or around people in general?

  • Do I feel resistance to accepting this person?

  • What are my fears and insecurities?

  • How can I let this fear go right now?

2. Clear Your Aura

When you are not sure if negative vibrations come from yourself, cleanse your aura. You must not go to bed in that state. Smudge yourself with white sage, take a bath in the sea salt or listen to music clearing negative vibrations.

Practise Meditation

Meditation gives you protection but you can also transform your and other people’s energy.

Let's meditate together

Connect by telepathy during meditation on Saturdays at 8 pm GMT. I will meditate with you and other people so that our joint energy can create miracles. Send your intention to the Universe. Transform your life and the world.

More about meditation

3. Ask for Clues

If you are growing spiritually, you can ask angels or other extra-terrestrial beings for help. For example, before going to bed, after cleansing your aura, ask your Guardian Angel or just God to give you a clue about your dreams.

Take notes of your dreams. Also, be prepared that the clue may come at the most unexpected moment as an event, a person, or a book. Have your eyes and ears wide open and make the most of the clues.

Emergency Protection

You can notice that sometimes your energy level drops rapidly while being around people. Your vibrations may be also affected. Then you need to use protection in an emergency so that you will not lose more precious energy.

Imagine that a ball of white divine light surrounds you and that all the positive beings from the Universe come to protect you, especially angels, Jesus or Mary. Instead of white, you can also choose purple light. Then say,


In this way, your aura will be protected and the wrongdoer will need to reap the crops of the negativity sown. We usually transform negative energy into light, but sometimes the being sending it has to feel the consequences immediately.

Other Ways of Protection

If you have more time or before dealing with many energies, put protective layers on your aura. They are like tight costumes. The first layer is green. It protects and heals your aura.

Then you put a white layer for physical protection and next, the blue one. This layer protects you from astral negativity. The last, but not least layer is purple, and it protects you from emotional harm plus distracts negativity.

You can also visualise a big brown cross, separating you from negative beings. Brown colour enables negativity to be disposed to Mother Earth.

Take Care of Your Vibrations

Always try to keep your vibrations as elevated as possible. Avoid, if possible, negative people and places and always eradicate negative thinking and speaking. Do no harm to other beings. When negativity surfaces, neutralise it immediately. Check this article for more details.

Having high vibrations and energy levels, your body is relaxed and your mind calm. Joy and serenity are filling you from the inside out. Then negative beings and their low vibrations are kept at bay. Only if you yourself do something negative, then the low frequencies start influencing your aura again.

As I wrote earlier, avoid negative people or places. Shopping centres, bars, nightclubs, hospitals, and cemeteries are the most obvious examples.

Sometimes it is hard to live without the vicinity of negative people because the negative people are the members of your family, your co-workers, or friends. If possible, limit or cut contact with them as much as possible.

In A Nutshell

Today you have read about protection from low vibrations and negative people. The main tools to use here are: cleansing your aura, using protective layers and maintaining high vibrations all the time. Good luck with keeping your vibrations elevated.



Vicky is an experienced holistic writer and coach that inspires, motivates, and encourages everyone to become the best version of themselves - physically, mentally, and spiritually.


The content of Awaken Happy Life is published for educational and informative purposes only. It does not substitute medical or any other professional advice. Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition. The author of Awaken Happy Life is not liable for any consequences of applying any piece of advice published on this website by the reader.‍

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