Have you ever wondered how to talk to your inner child? I have tried and have decided to give you an example of my conversation with this delicate aspect of your personality. Here it is.
Why Is Writing a Letter to Your Inner Child So Effective?

Table of Contents
Before I give you an example of the letter to your inner child, let’s find some reasons for doing this job. here they are:
- Better mood – you cast off your chest negativity, especially anxiety, sadness, anger and unrest,
- Better peace of mind,
- More effective work without self-sabotage,
- More self-confidence and courage in life,
- Better assertiveness as your inner child does not sabotage you,
- Forgiveness and letting go,
- better self-care (of your body, mind and soul),
- Better relationships with other people
A Letter to Your Inner Child
Dear Little Inner Child …… (your name)
I am writing this letter to you because I want to make friends with you. I am aware it might not be an easy job after so many years of negligence but I hope you will give me another chance. Please, believe my words.
Thank You
Firstly, I would like to thank you. For what? That you are alive, that you are so a beautiful child in the world. Thank you that I can be writing this letter to you now. And thank you for all the moments when you have brought inspiration to my life, even the painful and difficult ones.
I love You, Inner Child
I know that my love is not perfect and sometimes difficult. I know that you felt hurt many times in the past, needing me when I had been not there for you.
But this is the past. Today I promise to do my best to love you every day, to listen to your voice all the time and to help you whenever you need it. I am not perfect and sometimes make mistakes. Please understand it.
I know that the last you heard “I love you” too few times and often you were still starving for love. I promise to reciprocate it now, feeding you not only with words but also with acts of love, pampering you whenever I can, playing with you and giving you what is needed.
I Am Sorry
Yes, I am sorry for every moment I have hurt you. Now I realise how much I hurt you in the past and how painful wounds you are still carrying through the rest of your life. I understand you might be angry with me, shouting, crying and whatever.
My inner child, please forgive me for all the wrongs done to you. I apologise wholeheartedly and promise not to do them in the future. Now I realise how precious and vulnerable you are and that I cannot abuse it.
I Accept You, Inner Child
No matter what. You do not need to bring me as from school, now known as a high salary at work or well-brought-up children, being a super (man or woman). You are good enough with what you have, do and are.
I do not need anything more. Just be yourself and do your best to improve. And compare only to your achievements. Be the best version of yourself.
I Believe in You
Yes, I believe in your potential, strength, skills, and all that are necessary to be a great person. You have got all of that.
I believe that whatever happens, you have the strength to handle it, overcome the challenges and win, whatever the victory means in a good meaning.
So I believe that you can use your full potential wherever you want to – at work, in your family, with your children or working for the community. You can find a solution to any problem encountered in your life, now and in the future.
I Am Proud of You, Inner Child
Let me list at least some things that I am proud of:
- that you are alive and still able to grow,
- that you have overcome the hardship up to now,
- that you have an inner strength to cope with any difficulty and to solve your problems,
- that you have a brilliant job, whichever it is, or have found another great way to help your community or your family,
- that you have achieved so much – at school, in your career and your family life,
of your achievements at work and in other fields of your life, of your children (or projects if you do not have some), - of your health and everything you are doing to stop addictions, eat healthier and be fitter,
- of all the gifts that you have and with which you can share with other people,
that you are helpful and kind, - of all your positive traits, being single-hearted,
- of your courage to stand up for yourself and other people when necessary.
You Have Inner Strength
As I wrote above in this letter, you have enormous inner strength and can cope with all the troubles in your life. When necessary, you can even win your fear and other negative aspects to achieve your goals.
YOU ARE STRONG ENOUGH to live the full life, to be yourself and to make the most of this life. Yes, YOU ARE STRONG, having clear intuition and a powerful mind. Your thoughts can create everything that you want at any time.
My Inner Child, You Deserve
I know that during childhood your parents told you many times ‘You do not deserve… (something nice)’ or ‘You have to be nice, do … to get this toy (or other pleasant things.)’ However, the truth is different. YOU DESERVE:
- happiness in your life,
- all that is best,
- respect,
- love,
- doing what you love,
- enjoying your life, whatever it means.
These are only a few examples. Before you start creating your brilliant future, begin by deserving this future because the old program imprinted by your family, school or religion sabotages your future. Do it in writing.
You Have the Right to…
Assertiveness, assertiveness and once again assertiveness. How many times have your parents or teachers forbidden you to be yourself? Now the time has come to change it. I will tell you what rights you have:
- to have your say,
- to be heard,
- to be respected,
- to be loved,
- to be yourself,
- to cry when you need to,
- to be angry,
- to be sad,
- to say “no”,
- to live the full life, without sacrificing your happiness to others,
- to make your own choices, without pressure made you your family, boss, co-workers, or teachers, to have a satisfying job and a high salary,
- to have a loving partner and children,
- to bring up your children the way you want to, not according to your family’s expectations.
My dear inner child, I need to finish this letter because it will be published to help more inner children. I promise to write another one to motivate you and show you more love and praise.
God bless you, take care and talk to you soon.
… (your name)
Connect with Your Inner Child through Meditation
Today I have given you an example of how to talk to your inner child and what is important to write about. This will not be the only letter I will publish, so you will be able to work on your wounds and insecurities more effectively.
Let’s meditate together
Connect by telepathy during meditation on Saturdays at 8 pm GMT. I will meditate with you and other people so that our joint energy can create miracles. Send your intention to the Universe. Transform your life and the world.
In a Nutshell
Try writing this letter a couple of times to see therapeutic results. Every time you will discover something new about yourself your thoughts will be calmer. Good luck. with lots of love and light,
Vicky Yang