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5 Effective Ways to Pacify Any Negative Emotion

Emotions… who has not been challenged by them? Learn how to tame and channel emotions in a holistic way, quickly and efficiently.

negative emotions can be vented under trees


What Is an Emotion

Emotion is a mental state associated with the nervous system brought on by chemical changes variously associated with thoughts, feelings, behavioural responses, and a degree of pleasure or displeasure.

There is currently no scientific consensus on a definition. Emotion is often intertwined with mood, temperament, personality, disposition, and motivation.

"Emotions can be defined as a positive or negative experience that is associated with a particular pattern of physiological activity." Emotions produce different physiological, behavioural and cognitive changes. The original role of emotions was to motivate adaptive behaviours that in the past would have contributed to the passing on of genes through survival, reproduction, and kin selection. - Wikipedia

Kinds Of Emotions

Here are some examples of negative emotions that you can experience. They are probably not all listed below. However, not to deluge you with negativity, let's focus on:

Of course, there are not all the names, many psychology experts and self-help gurus have their own, unique classifications based on various theories.

For example, American psychologist Robert Ekman identified six basic emotions which evolved in response to challenges faced by our biological ancestors: happiness, sadness, fear, anger, disgust and surprise. He states that other emotions are the derivates of the six ones.

How To Pacify Your Emotions

You could already have read about taking responsibility for your thoughts and relationships. Managing emotions is no different.

1. Bear in Mind That They Are Yours

Emotions are a kind of reaction to the reality around us. Sometimes people may infect you with, e.g., anger, but always remember that it is you who will go into a given emotion or not. So, if you have already decided to feel an emotion, it is obviously yours.

identify emotion

2. Identify the Emotion

Once we identify an emotion, we have a chance to evaluate its underlying message. By recognizing what that emotion is motivating you to do, then it is possible to determine whether that motivation is actually appropriate to the current context or not.

3. Check What Emotions Are Telling You

However, never act according to this voice, especially in the case of negative emotions. When it comes to negative emotions like anger, sadness, fear, or disgust, it is critically important to recognize what they are telling you about perceived problems in your environment.

Here are some examples of emotions and what you can elicit from them:

  • anger or fear - their triggers,

  • sadness - the thing/person that you have lost,

  • disgust - learn which contaminants or immoral behaviours your body is signalling that you should recoil from,

  • resentment - who is still the clutter in your life.

4. Translate Your Emotions into Needs

There is always a reason why you are feeling a given emotion. Therefore, identify them. Here are some examples:

  • anger or fear - you are afraid of your safety on the territory that is yours. Bear in mind that "territory" can mean many things, e.g., your partner, house, work and even children. In the case of anger, you protest breaching the boundaries.

  • sadness - the meaning of a thing/animal/person for you. This emotion may also be the result of your inner disagreement with the course of events in your life or things in life in general. Sadness also underlies anger.

  • disgust and resentment - a given person or thing has made you too much pain in the past and now just thinking of them cause repulsion.

5. Manage Them Wisely

Emotional management is not easy, but you can always find help from any Being of the Light and use various techniques to soothe them.

Never Infect Other People

Instead of taking responsibility for their emotions, people often carry them to their kith and kin or friends, hoping to feel relief then.

However, the result is the opposite. Being angry with your partner because of a tiny, unreasonable issue will only escalate this emotion. You risk the vicious circle of negativity because of arguments and other negative emotions which will be triggered.

Therefore, instead of infecting other people with your negativity, learn how to dissolve them yourself. On the other hand, if someone else attacks you with e.g., anger, warn them that you will not discuss the issue until the other party calms down and expresses their anger in a constructive way.

Click here to master powerful tools of anger management - the article continues below:

Manage Your Emotions in a Wise Way

If you want to pacify emotions, do it in a wise way. But first, learn how NOT to vent emotions.

Unwise Ways

  • Suppressing. It will never work in the long run. One day, out of the blue, a negative emotion will break out and does unpredicted, enormous damage to your life. Your aura will be wounded, and energetic hooks will be installed.

  • Rumination. You can also dwell on a given emotion. It will grow and eventually infect people. plus, lead to health problems. Total biology explains this process in detail.

Wise Ways

You can use your body to channel your negative emotions and use their energy for constructive purposes, e.g., using your body.

  • Kicking, chewing, throwing, and hitting are perfect tools for dissolving anger, frustration, and any other fierce emotion. On the other hand, writing helps to dissolve grudges, guilt, disgust, and bitterness.

  • You can also use your voice. Shout on an open space, cry, or weep to the pillow when no one will see you. Sing rock music which can help to get a shot of anger, hate, disgust or frustration.

  • Use your senses. Take a sea salt bath or a shower, rubbing the salt into your body. Listen to soothing music, especially the 432, 528 Hz or Solfeggio frequencies. Here is an example:

  • Meditate. Close your eyes and move to the memory of when felt happy and loved. Stay there for a while and then go to the waterfall which will cleanse your aura and your emotional subtlety in particular. Then you can continue and, for example, go to the meadow, lay on the grass and heal your aura.

  • Affirmations and commands. You can put negative thoughts into the bin. The same rule applies to emotions. Notice them and then command TO THE BIN, TO THE BIN!

These are not all the ways of managing your negative emotions. Try one or combine some of them and see how your life will be fuller of Divine Light and peace of mind.

Tame Your Emotions During Meditation

In the case of fervent emotion, calm down it first. You can use various names (e.g. discomfort instead of anger) and say a couple of times:


Then play some uplifting music, like the 432 Hz or 528 Hz and lie on the bed. You can also sit. Visualise Divine White Light calming your mind and emotions. They are more and more peaceful, like the sea after the storm.

Alternatively, go under the waterfall and let the power of falling water dissolve all negativity accumulated in your body and mind. In the end, recharge with the energy of Mother Earth on the beach.

Let's Meditate Together

Connect by telepathy during meditation on Saturdays at 8 pm GMT. I will meditate with you and other people so that our joint energy can create miracles. Send your intention to the Universe. Transform your life and the world.

More about meditation

In a Nutshell

Today you have learnt how to take responsibility for your emotional life. Firstly, notice that emotions are yours. Then identify and learn about the emotion. Thirdly, pick up and apply the way of constructive channelling. Good luck. With lots of love and light,



Vicky is an experienced holistic writer and coach who inspires, motivates, and encourages everyone to become the best version of themselves - physically, mentally, and spiritually.


The content of Awaken Happy Life is published for educational and informative purposes only. It does not substitute medical or any other professional advice. Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition. The author of Awaken Happy Life is not liable for any consequences of applying any piece of advice published on this website by the reader.

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