How to Live Longer: Meet These 3 Holistic Conditions

How to live longer? There are many answers, and I will present you with a holistic point of view on how to make the most of your body, mind, and soul. You will change your life dramatically. Are you ready?

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Table of Contents

How to Live Longer?

There are three holistic conditions: stop harming your template, rebuild it and finally, resolve to change the destructive thoughts, language and actions. Keep reading to discover what it means to meet these three conditions.

1. How to Live Longer: Stop Harming Your Temple

You probably heard that: stop overeating, exercise more, stop smoking/drinking, don’t get stressed, sleep long enough… Although applying these things will help with longevity. However, to live longer, you need something more, profound.

Firstly, stop doing the things that harm your body, mind, heart, and soul—all of them. This means that taking care of your mind and body alone is not enough. You need to mind your energy usage as well.

Now take a notebook and evaluate yourself. Be brutally honest with yourself. Find any answer to the question:

  • How do I harm my longevity?

Let me remind you of some of these “sins” from the holistic point of view:

  • physical – lack of sleep, inadequate nutrition, incorrect posture, lack of exercise
  • mental – worry, rumination, negative thinking, and beliefs,
  • emotional – holding on to negative emotions
  • spiritual – hexes, hook-ups, serving the dark beings.

2. How to Live Longer: Rebuild Your Temple

Secondly, take immediate action to improve your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health: change your life and yourself in particular.

You Can Live Longer Creating Your Healthy Body

For most of us, this category is obvious. Getting ill is a brutal spank to wake us up. As I wrote above, we all know what to stop doing (e.g., eating too much) and what to do more (e.g., exercising).

However, that is usually not enough. In the case of the physical body, we also need to cleanse it (colon, liver, kidneys, blood and lymph, bones and joints, and lungs). Never forget the right sleep and as I wrote above, of doing physical exercises.

Breathing is also very important. When inhaling and exhaling, you should use your abdomen instead of your chest.

You know that doing exercises, especially the ones on strength, can even model your body. But you can also model your physical temple by cleansing it.

When you get shot of toxins, ill cells and tissues, and excessive fat, you become slimmer. The fat: muscle proportion changes, the percentage of healthy, new cells increases, you digest better and have fewer toxins.

Moreover, you can also create a new, healthy, cancer-free body by meditation and using other healing methods, like BSM or healing codes. I will write more about them in the future.

To find out more about how to live longer,r read this article:

5 Ways to Live 150 Years. Mikhail Tombak

You Can Live Longer Creating a Healthy Mind

Mental health is a big issue today. In many cases, mental illnesses are just the result of being unhappy because of negative thinking and beliefs. Hence, to improve your mental health, you do not only need to stop thinking negatively but plant as many positive thoughts in your mind as possible.

There are tools that can help you improve your health and therefore, live longer:

  • snippets to stop negative thinking (e.g. “No Buts!”),
  • affirmation of getting better ald living long being healthy and fit,
  • visualising longevity and your happy life,
  • beliefs change, for those supporting longevity.
  • avoiding worry about the future and rumination over the past,
  • practise journaling
  • use disarming questions, e.g. What can I do right now to be healthy and fit?,
  • practising forgiveness and self-compassion

Each thought has a given vibration that attracts similar thoughts, people, and circumstances. Therefore, it is critically important to watch your thoughts and beliefs, which will later manifest in your language and behaviour.

Further reading about mind and thoughts:

Good Vibes, Good Life

by Vex King

The author will teach you that when you change how you think, feel, speak and act, you begin to change the world. I value it for readability and inspirational content. How about you?

Buy on Amazon

You Can Live Longer Cultivating High-Vibe Emotions

I have not written much about dealing with negative emotions so far. You can use affirmations, especially “PEACE – HARMONY – LOVE” plus all the appropriate ones for your heart and solar plexus chakras. Forgive and let the past go, inviting love, happiness, and joy to your heart.

You can also use writing and physical activity to release negative emotions, such as anger or shame. Go to the beach and scream as loud as you can. Throw some pillows using all your strength. Eat some steak or anything else that requires lots of biting.

To attract positive emotions, think loving thoughts and create something inspiring (writing, painting, singing, etc.). Help people in need and be generous with your time for your family and friends, but also for other people, e.g., some elderly ones in the neighbourhood.

Further reading: emotions and cellular memory

You Can Live Longer by Healing Your Soul and Aura

First and foremost, keep high vibrations because then you will attract positivity to your life. High vibrations are crucial because you attract people with similar ones. So, if you want to live longer, stay with positive people and learn how to be a positive person.

Remember to cleanse your aura regularly with white sage, sea salt baths, meditation, and other tools. Go out for a walk, charging with the energy of the Four Forces of Nature: Wind, Sun, Water, and Earth. In the forest, cuddle the tree, wade in the sea, or walk barefoot on the beach or grass.

Always wish other people well, even those who have hurt you. Remember that you never know the whole truth about them, why they behave in a particular way, and what is the purpose of their malevolent acts.

Further reading about aura and soul:

creator or destroyer

More resources about reincarnation

Use Meditation

You can always transform negative energy, heal your temple and reverse the death clock by practising holistic meditation.

First, calm down your mind by deep breathing in and out. Next, visualise yourself lying on the meadow full of green grass, healing your body. Scan each organ and notice the dark places that need healing. Transfer the green energy here with the intention of healing.

You can also ask angels and other spiritual beings for help with healing. To meditate, you can listen to the music at the same time. Here is an example:

3. How to Love Longer: Change Your Behaviour

The brutal truth is that if you do not change your habits, identity, behaviour, thoughts, reactions, and actions, health problems will come back, even after cleansing your body, mind, and energy.

Also, the impact of your environment is important as you can infect with toxicity and negativity. Think of anything that drains your energy, lowers vibrations and discouraged. Therefore, apart from changing yourself, make the changes by choosing supportive and helpful people and clearing the clutter (and I do not mean things here).

You have already read about some useful techniques for physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Here, I will mention two more.

Mantras to Disarm Toxic People

Appreciate your uniqueness and originality because everyone has got the energy of the Source within,
When someone makes you angry or other negative emotion attacks you – use breathing to restore peace and harmony. You can use the following affirmation, repeating it until your anger disappears,


This mantra raises your vibrations, establishing peace, harmony, and love.

When somebody stings you or is aggressive, apart from saying the above affirmation in your mind, you can tell them,
You are a polite person, aren’t you? Why do you use hateful, swearing, and insulting language? Let’s use the language of respect: “please,” “thank you,” “love,” and “I apologise” instead.

Also, use the same mental tools that were described in Condition 2.


This technique is also very effective. Instead of arguing or being sulky, try some questions:

Moreover, you can even say, joking:

  • Can I help you with anything?
  • When you spot a negative thought or energy in your aura or mind – put it in the bin and burn it with the purple light (check my article about it).

In A Nutshell

Today you have learnt what to do to live longer. In the shortest, take care of your body, mind, soul and heart, grow as a human being, raise your vibrations, think only positive thoughts, be generous and helpful and deal with negative thoughts and emotions promptly. Good luck on your way to living longer. With lots of love and light,

Vicky Yang

Last update on 2025-02-05 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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