Being awakened, aware of the new times and enlightened are significant issues today. However, it would be best if you went further. There are the seven most challenging levels of achieving mastery in spiritual growth. What are they?
Table of Contents
The Primary School of Spiritual Growth
Before I teach you what advanced spiritual growth is, let me remind you of the stages necessary to be mastered by the beginner. My last article covered them thoroughly. If you have not read it, check it here:
In the shortest, to understand the ideas presented in this blog post, check how well you have mastered these steps:
- acceptance and understanding of everything and everyone around you.
- forgiveness – yourself and other beings,
- reprogramming your mind.
There are mental patterns to eradicate
- duality,
- judging, blaming, and making excuses,
- the program of quantity (i.e., “everyone does …”),
- calculation,
- lack of respect – yourself and other beings,
- “it’s impossible”, “I can’t”.
Add low self-esteem beliefs. For example:
- “I’m not worthy.”,
- “I do not deserve x”,
- ” I should/shouldn’t do y/have done z”,
- and many more.
The Obstacles on The Way to Advanced Spiritual Growth
Before you learn the remaining grades of spiritual growth, meet the obstacles that can hamper it. They are not only concerned with meditation. You can face these obstacles in your everyday life.
- lack of motivation, discouragement,
- one of “those days” (e.g., women’s period),
- doubt while seeing how much is still to be learned,
- laziness to continue your spiritual growth,
- discouragement in the case of hard lessons,
- other people’s pressure, social programs (e.g., the quantity – all do x, not y),
- negative beliefs,
- negative thoughts (put them in the bin),
- illness – physical or mental (depression),
- addictions,
- false information about spiritual growth (discouraging or misleading),
- attacks of mind control and negative entities,
- lack of understanding or even hostility toward your environment
- low vibrations of the environment (people and places).
Recommended reading:
I recommend this book because it is insightful and helpful for understanding my thoughts. Mind Works is written without preaching, you choose when and how to work with your mind.
The book offers to create a shift in consciousness by working with emotions, beliefs and thoughts. If you want to transform your life, grab this book.
A Word of Caution Concerning Spiritual Growth
Firstly, spiritual growth is not about the rat race. You have probably heard about soul age (i.e. the infant, child, young, mature and old). You also know that there are various values of the light to be mastered (e.g. kindness, forgiveness, generosity).
So, never compare to the beings who have gone through more incarnations or have mastered more advanced levels of spiritual growth than you. However, it works both ways. Never underestimate your achievements, even if you are struggling with the spiritual lessons mentioned in this article’s beginning.
This growth assumes living according to the values of the light at ANY level in a more advanced way. For example, forgiving your child is not the same as forgiving the murderer of him/her.
Don’t Preach or Boast about Your Achievements
Secondly, spiritual growth is not about becoming a preacher who pressures those not ready to move forward. It would be best if you were patient and understanding, especially in the case of your family and friends.
It is more about emanating from what you have learned, not only the values of the light. After graduating from the primary school of spiritual growth, you accept everything around you, knowing it has a purpose.
Then you are forgiving. Eventually, you can live beyond duality or judging anything and anyone. You are the model of the lessons learnt by acting that way.
How old you are and at what stage of spiritual growth you are currently is unimportant. What matters is your willingness to change, to build a new foundation of life.
Your willingness is the fuel that helps at the times of acid tests, which are not pleasant, often unexpected and cause denial or rebellion in your mind.
Spiritual growth is a series of events that are not necessarily pleasant but bring comfort.
Between the times of rest, moments testing how much you emanate with the values of light and how well you have mastered the grades of spiritual growth. You are supposed to delete old programs and live according to the new values.
Don’t Escape From Everyday Challenges
Thirdly, spiritual growth is not an escape from everyday problems to avoid solving them. You can find a solution during meditation when your soul gives clues. However, it is up to you to take action. No one will do it for you.
Lastly, spiritual growth is not a business but a calculation that makes a profit. If you are going to master forgiveness and want something from a given person later, it will not work. Growing spiritually means being selfless.
Also, do not expect other people’s applause because you can forgive or donate (the act of generosity). False spirituality and enlightenment will not create happiness, prosperity, or health.
Read this article:
What Are the Levels of Advanced Levels of Spiritual Growth?
There are seven really challenging levels of managing advanced spiritual growth: understanding the matter of time, the development of paranormal senses, elimination of foul and victim-like language, taking full responsibility for your choices, being the creator of your life, together with your soul’s guidance, radiation of enlightenment and other high vibrations, practising OBE.
Read the article in full to gain a profound understanding of all these levels. They are not numbered from the easiest to the most difficult or according to importance. Also, it is very challenging to master them all in one life, so be compassionate when you are struggling. Let’s come to the point now:
1. Understand the Issue of Time
When you grow spiritually, time vanishes because there are many worlds where this mechanism does not exist. You can also experience space-time. It happens when suddenly something lasts much longer or shorter than expected. You look at the clock and are surprised.
Giving up the past and stopping worrying about the future are other stages of understanding time. To achieve it, you need to forgive and control your mental program of worry.
In this way, you understand that the past is unchangeable so there is no point dwelling on it, however, you can lighten up and learn from it. The future, on the other hand, can be created by your current thoughts.
2. Develop Paranormal skills
They are called potentials in the spiritual world. Traditional science considers them as mental illnesses. However, advanced spiritual growth means broadening your horizons and being brave enough to question the limited three-dimensional world.
New possibilities emerge once you have reprogrammed your mind and learnt the lessons of forgiveness, acceptance, understanding and assertiveness. Believing that everything can happen, you develop new potentials in your life. For example:
- clairvoyance,
- seeing auras of people and other beings, also inanimate ones,
- being able to describe past incarnations,
- healing,
- removing all energetic hook-ups or the effects of pledges and similar contracts with the dark forces,
- other kinds of exorcisms,
- leading the spirits to the other side,
3. Use the Language Of Positivity And Light
A new attitude, beyond duality, judgement and harmful mental programs, causes using a new language full of love, acceptance, understanding and all values of the light.
Let me give you some examples of positive and negative language. i have only chosen some examples, there are many more cases.
Negative Language
- He/She is… (label, judgement)
- I can’t/it’s impossible
- It’s his/her fault, all negative emotions
- It should/should not happen
- Being, what are you doing?
- I’m/he’s a fool/idiot etc
- Do../Give me…
- I do not deserve someone’s help.
Positive Language
- Everything has its purpose, so I do not judge
- I am a Being of Light, and everything is possible to create.
- I am responsible for my reactions to these events and the actions I will take
- Everything happens at the right time and in the right place
- Dear beautiful being, what are you doing?
- I’m/he’s a wonder, a beloved child of the Universe
- I forgive him/her … I forgive myself…
- Do…/give me…, please. Thank you
- Could you help me, please?
These examples do not exhaust the list of linguistic phrases you use. An individual who can use the language of light and positivity can focus only on the things which bring easiness, joy, happiness, love, health, and abundance.
Read this book:
A New Year is coming. Try to master your self-talk and grow spiritually.
The book includes powerful motivational self-talk messages and explains how self-talk works. You may be surprised how much your self-talk will change after a year.
4. Make Responsible Choices in Life
Spiritual growth can be tricky and full of pitfalls. You need to learn to listen to your guts, the soul that will warn you of negative consequences, saying, “Do not x/go to y.” The Universe starts talking to you through pictures, people and events.
Making choices also involves being aware of your advanced spiritual growth and the responsibility for thoughts, words, and deeds. When leaving the pathway of light and positivity, negative consequences are much quicker than when someone is not awakened and aware of spiritual life.
Never use excuses or blame anyone for your fate when you make choices. Learn more about blame and change from this article:
5. Create of Your Reality Consciously and with Responsibility
Once you have discovered your potential and taught your mind the “it’s possible” program, nothing is an obstacle for you. It is necessary to follow the 4 Indian spiritual laws then, but you can attract all by thinking for yourself and others.
All is possible if your thoughts are only positive and God’s plan for you is following your wish.
The law Of Attraction will create a positive reality. Use this tool before essential exams, while searching for a parking space, or to create health, happiness, love and abundance.
Moreover, this law also works for other people.
However, they need to give you consent for creation, e.g., healing, and the process must follow their karma and soul plan.
You are more effective in creating your positive reality because energy is not wasted dwelling on the past and worrying about the future. There is no word like “bad luck, misfortune, or accident.”
6. Practise Spiritual Travels
After changing your viewpoint about extra-terrestrial beings, they start coming to you in dreams, during meditation or OBE. Let me explain the two last ways:
According to Wikipedia, an out-of-body experience (OBE or sometimes OOBE) happens when a person experiences the world from a location outside their physical body. An OBE is a form of autoscopic (literally “seeing self”).
OBE can be spontaneous or induced. In the first case, you can experience OBE during sleep, the “near-death experience”, and after extreme physical effort. Induced OBE can result from mental induction (i.e., falling asleep without losing awareness) and mechanical induction (during deep trance, meditation, or visualisation.
OBE can be dangerous, though, as, during the time your soul leaves the body, you might experience a sudden health deterioration. If the soul has travelled far away and the OBE process lasts long, you may die. This technique is reserved for the most experienced individuals, those at a very advanced level of spiritual growth.
There are many kinds of meditations which you can practise. I will focus on the holistic one, where you connect with the source of god and other beings and where you can work on various issues.
During holistic meditation, your astral body travels in the universe, and you, being relaxed, can work in the spiritual world. More about meditation below in this article
7. Emanate with High Vibrations And the Values Of Light
At an advanced level of spiritual growth, the emanation of being a decent person is a must, also around the wrongdoers and those serving the dark forces or who provoke you to become like them deliberately.
It means that you neither force someone to become spiritual nor lose control when attacked or faced with the hostility of those who are obdurate and do not want to change. You know when to say something and when to become silent.
Emanating the values of light breaks the ice of insecurity. Suddenly, people feel safe and comfortable in your presence, even the most obstinate ones, not knowing why. Moreover, the most hostile beings appreciate the light within you despite attacking and provoking.
The emanation of being a decent person is a must all the time, not only when you are in a good mood and meet friendly people. Each encounter is a test of mastering a given value of light.
Example of a High-Vibed Person
For example, meeting a beggar tests your generosity. However, do not forget that you have both light and darkness during your terrestrial life, having the right to choose any of these pathways.
Hence, you must also control your emotions, anger, jealousy, envy, irritation or hate. It also concerns greed and other temptations.
Emanation also means being authentic. You do not pay someone else, trying to please other beings, even if it means rejection or hostility. You are assertive and able to say “no” in the same way as “yes” – with your family, co-workers, or friends.
And finally, you have got high vibrations, like some beings, admired through centuries (Jesus, Mary, Buddha, angels, for example). It means a clean and strong aura, being decent, creating peace, and using universal laws to create rights.
Explore More on Awaken Happy Life:
- Aura and Chakras (7)
- Awaken Energy Healing (13)
- Awaken Happy Mind (17)
- Awaken Happy Soul (15)
- Awaken Happy You (21)
- Awaken High Vibrations (22)
- Emotions (9)
- Mental Challenges (6)
- Mind (17)
In a Nutshell
Today, you have learnt the seven advanced stages of spiritual growth. They understand the issue of time, developing potential, using the language of the light, emanating high vibrations, spiritual travels, creating your reality, spiritual travels, and the ability to make choices. To master these levels, you need to overcome some obstacles, e.g., lack of motivation, the negative influence of people, and your shade. With love and light,
Vicky Yang
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