A Quick Guide on How to Meditate in a Holistic Way

Holistic meditation can be challenging at times. Hence, I have decided to write a quick guide on how to meditate. Discover the secrets of meditating and awaken a happy life.

a quick way how to meditate

When I started Awaken Happy Life, I wrote articles about meditation, its importance, and what it can achieve. Nearly every post on this website also encourages meditation.

Some of these tips have slightly changed, so I have written an update. The COVID-19 pandemic was only one reason.

Table of Contents

How to Meditate in the 2020s and Onwards

Lockdown has taught me a lot. There was more time for meditation and reflection. There is no official pandemic today, but viruses still attack many people. Meditation can be one of the most beneficial when lying in bed.

Some clairvoyants predict more lockdowns because of poisonous clouds and blackouts or brownouts. These predictions may not be accurate, but we can still create a different outcome through our thoughts, words, and deeds.

However, many people are still stubborn and want the times before 2020 to be gone forever. Events like lockdowns or blackouts can help wake them up.

When computers are turned off because electricity is switched off or you cannot go out, meditation can help. Why?

Benefits When You Meditate

  • Finding solutions to your problems
  • Gaining a new perspective on stressful situations.
  • Connection with God and other beings will give you more help and guidance.
  • Reducing stress, finding peace of mind.
  • Increasing self-awareness and spiritual growth.
  • Focusing on the present.
  • Recharging your batteries with the energy of Mother Earth and Higher beings.
  • Reducing negative emotions.
  • Increasing imagination and creativity.
  • Creating your dreams.
  • Increasing patience and tolerance.

“Holistic Telepathy Meditation” – What Is it?

Firstly, let’s learn what “telepathy” really means:

“Telepathy” is “the communication of impressions of any kind from one mind to another, independently of the recognized channels of sense”. – National Library of Medicine

Recommended reading:

Telepathy: Unlocking the Secrets of Sending Telepathic Messages and Psychic Development (Extrasensory Perception)

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When I write about telepathy in my meditation, I mean a mental connection to other beings, especially to any person meditating simultaneously. It also means creating collective energy that can transform the meditating people and their environment.

This meditation is holistic as it involves all your subtle bodies (mental, physical, emotional, and etheric ones). You align them all. Let’s explore the idea of holistic telepathy meditation in greater detail.

How to Meditate to Awaken a Happy Life?

Once you know what telepathy meditation is, let’s learn how to meditate. There are seven steps: prepare, calm down your mind, relax, connect to higher beings, cleanse your subtle bodies, choose your intention, and recharge your batteries.

1. Prepare

Good preparation guarantees a good quality of your meditation. Here are some things to consider before you start:


I realise that synchronising meditation may be difficult because of the time zone difference. Hence, I have chosen 8 PM GMT/IST as the compromise. Set a reminder in your calendar and an alarm clock to avoid missing the meditation time.

However, nothing wrong will happen if you meditate at a different time than I announced. Any time meditation can illuminate millions of people – it is proved that one person can illuminate 5 million people.


Find a quiet and peaceful place where no one will disturb you. Lie on a comfortable couch or sit in a chair in the living room in front of your laptop or computer. Prepare something to cover your eyes so that meditation will be more effective.

Choose the Way You Will Meditate

Many people are discouraged because they cannot visualise during meditation. I will prepare a tapescript soon so you can say what you meditate on and focus on words.

In this case, you can visualise during meditation, close your eyes and follow the meditation plot. First, read this article and others related to meditating and then focus on the frame, paying attention to your energy.

For example, if you feel that your aura has been cleared (while cleansing), move on to the next stage, i.e., the main work you do during meditation.

What to Meditate About

Depending on your current situation, you can choose any benevolent intention. The intention I announced on the blog does not need to meet your needs.

However, it is good to include my intention as more people unite and amplify it. Below is an example of meditation intention for this month that I have just announced. More ideas are below in this article.

Recommended reading:

An Ordinary Dude's Guide to Meditation: Learn how to meditate easily - without the religion, fluff or hippie stuff (Ordinary Dude Guides)

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2. Calm Down Your Mind

This is the first and critical step. To achieve the desired effect, you need to align your body, mind, and soul and focus on one thought—meditation.

So, never move into further parts of meditation when under pressure at work, thinking of something stressful while involved in work, driving, or doing chores. Your attention has to be focused on meditation.

How to Align Your Body, Mind and Soul

You can use the following example methods:

  • Count slowly from 100 to 0, at least the first 10 and 20 numbers, thinking of your body, mind and soul as a whole
  • Imagine a Hoover swallowing all negative thoughts, to-dos, and distractions and being directed to one stream of energy.
  • Turn on some relaxed music and focus on the sound, thinking it brings you to meditation.

More about healing music:

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3. Relax and Invoke Positive Emotions

Once you have aligned your body, mind, and soul, start by coming to a beautiful, peaceful place. Focus on the memory of the time and place you felt this way. It can be your last vacation (a pleasant and wonderful one, without hassle!), where you feel beautiful or recharged with positive energy.

Also, think of helpful people and other beings there. Sty there for a while, savouring the beauty and serenity.

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4. Connect to the Beings of Light

At this stage, you are entering the spiritual world. Remember that holistic meditation is not only about clinging to the body, mind, and soul. It also includes the presence of beings from other planes of existence, such as animals, ghosts, Beings of Light, God/Source, Higher Power, and your Guardians.

First and foremost, ask for protection, as negative beings (some extraterrestrials and demons) can also emerge during meditation. The spiritual world is endless, so you can sense a broader scope of beings here.

It happens because your mind starts using 80% of its perception, much more than it uses during studying or the flow state. Aligning body, mind, and soul connects your two brain hemispheres better than any method used on Earth.

Detect the energy of other beings and discover which ones are helpful and which are not. Connect with the helpful ones.

5. Cleanse Your Subtle Bodies

To make your meditation work, you need to cleanse your subtle bodies. Otherwise, your energy will be impure, and you will do more harm than good. Negative entities have easy access to your aura. There are a couple of methods you can use:

If you cannot visualise, say (choose one option):


Visualise the rays of Divine White/Purple Light penetrating your mind, aura, chakras, and all subtle bodies, removing all impurities.
Visualise yourself under a waterfall and feel the energy after cleansing your subtle bodies.
Lie down on the grass and feel the energy of Mother Earth absorbing negativity from you.
Focus on cleansing until you feel better physically, emotionally and spiritually.

6. Work on Your Intention of Meditation

Now you can start your work. Depending on your intention, focus your mind on this intention. Let’s say you want to heal yourself or help someone (more about phantom operations soon).

Visualise this person and see his/her yearning for health. While scanning their aura, some places in their bodies look black or grey, meaning they are ill. Direct the energy of Mother Earth, the Divine Green Light, which will work like a laser. Burn the illness/disease.

In the case you have no visualisation, say:

A AM HEALING … (body part) WITH DIVINE GREEN LIGHT. LET ….. (part of the body) BE HEALED RIGHT NOW.

This is an example; the procedure may be much longer and more complex. You use more tools during phantom operations, such as bandages, drips, regeneration cells, etc.

During meditation, you can deal with more than one issue. So, after healing someone, you can heal yourself, cleanse the Earth from negative energy, and heal the polluted areas.

7. Recharge Your Batteries

After hard energy work, you may feel exhausted. It can also happen that you may fall asleep during it and suddenly wake up at the end of your meditation. It happens and is something normal.

If you have not fallen asleep, recharge your batteries first to return strong and full of energy to the ordinary world, the third dimension on Earth.

Visualise yourself on the beach and feel the energy of water, air, earth, and sun penetrating your subtle bodies and charging you with values such as courage, understanding, assertiveness, forgiveness, self-confidence, and self-worth. These values are necessary to create more positivity after you finish the meditation.

If you have difficulty visualising, say:


Instead of being on the beach, you can lie on the grass, setting your face to the sun, feeling the drops of rain and the breeze on your cheeks.

Particular Intentions to Include During Meditation

Explore More on Awaken Happy Life:

What can you focus on during meditation? Here are some examples that do not exhaust the scope of possible options:

  • Healing – described above.
  • Helping Mother Earth, people and/or other beings.
  • Creating your dreams – visualising how they become a reality.
  • Solving the problems in the world and your life – connecting with Higher beings, receiving helpful energy from them, and visualising how the issues are being solved.
  • Creating the desirable outcome on Earth and in the Universe, e.g., peace.
  • Helping people and others in need (e.g., during climatic changes).

In a Nutshell

Holistic telepathy meditation can be helpful in many areas concerning you and the world. Some steps to follow while meditating (preparation, alignment, relaxation, cleansing, main work and recharging your batteries).

Good luck practising meditation and transforming your and other beings’ worlds. With a lot of love and light,

Vicky Yang

Last update on 2025-01-25 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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