How to Heal by Numbers: The Ultimate Guide

There are more and more ill people in the world, not only because of covid19. Doctors are too busy to help everyone. How else can you recover? Heal by numbers. Are you ready?

Recently, I read about one, revolutionary method and decided to try it myself. It was cold, my nose was running, and I felt terribly for a day. But when I found this method and applied it, the cold had been overcome the next night.

Grabovoy Method – How to Heal byNumbers

It is known that Russian medicine can make wonders, but Big Pharma often understates it as a big competition.

Hence, you will not hear much about Michail Tombak or Vadim Tschenze, about whom I will write soon, too. Today you will meet Gigroy Grabovoy.

The Grabovoy method is an alternative, but fully natural, simple method of self-healing, in which work with numerical strings is used.

Almost 1000 combinations of numbers help to achieve harmony and healing, teach control of reality, and restore man to the state of youthful perfection.

I know that some bloggers have already written a couple of articles about this topic, but I will give you a totally new approach to this method, confirmed by my experience.

Who Is Grigory Grabovoy?

Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy was born on November 14, 1963, in the village of Bogart in Kazakhstan. He is a scientist, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, healer, and clairvoyant.

He was known for the gift of clairvoyance early – as a child. He became famous for his ability to predict faults in aeroplanes and thus prevent disasters in his native country.

Grabovoy mentally controlled the safety of the the “Mir” space station, Boris Yeltsin’s official aircraft, the Moscow metro, and the American space shuttle “Atlantis” and reportedly predicted the disaster of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant, feeling vibrations throughout his body four weeks before the explosion.

In the West, he gained popularity thanks to his healing skills.
The numerical healing system, which contains almost a thousand numerical sequences, is designed to harmonize every part of the body and remove countless psychophysical disorders.

More medical conditions and general health problems to heal will be given at the end of this article.

The Power of Numerical Strings

No one doubts that numbers influence our lives. Just look at superstitions – the number 13 is considered unlucky in the Western world and China.

In numerology, the Flying Star Numbers are only a couple of examples when numbers define our world and even destiny.

Moreover, planets, zodiac signs and letters of the alphabet have numbers associated with them. Vadim Tschenze is writing about three codes – for healing, cleansing, and maintaining energy.

I have already written an article about how words heal, now the time has come for numbers. They also have vibrations and rhythm, although each number sounds differently in various languages.

Let’s come back to numbers. The Grabovoy method to heal by numbers is considered useful for those who want to cope with their physical and mental health problems and achieve harmonious growth in various areas of life.

What Scientists Say…

According to the researcher and some bloggers, focusing on strings of numbers has a direct relationship with quantum physics and helps us assign any disturbances to a new frequency that a given sequence of numbers represents.

These scientists and bloggers reckon that strings of numbers are considered a bridge between body, mind, and consciousness.

The numbers ensure harmony not only in the individual but also in the global range, affecting the entire environment of the person using this method positively. I have my own numerical code which is unique only to me and everyone can create it.

This code is based on the vibration of your current life’s date of birth, address, name and many more. In this way, you can heal by numbers – yourself and others.

How to Heal by Numbers

The technique of using strings of numbers is very simple. The basis for working with numbers is to set a clear goal, to direct our ideas to what we want to achieve and to concentrate.

1. Pick Up the Code to Heal by Numbers

Firstly, recognise the problem. The Grabovoy method does not only work for health problems, but you can also improve your wealth and relationships.

But let’s focus on health here. List all your illnesses, diseases and ailments and pick up one which is the most serious. If you have more than one, focus on let’s say, up to three to five from the list, (e.g., cancer is more serious than acne).

Once you have defined what is wrong with you, check the code to heal by numbers. The list will be at the end of the article.

In the case of health, strings have seven, eight or nine digits. For eye health, this is, for example, a string 1 8 9 1 0 1 4. Digits do not form a single number but are separate, single values. The basis of the method is to imagine them.

2. Write Down Intentions to Heal by Numbers

I encourage people to keep a journal/diary. You can write your intention like this:


Do not forget to put a date under your intention. Do not forget to memorise the number.

3. Memorise and Activate the Chosen Numbers

Use the following methods to heal by numbers:

• Write it down on some sticky notes and carry it with you wherever you go.
• Put it in the bathroom, on the fridge and look at it as often as possible.
• Keep them on your desk, laptop/computer/tablet wallpaper
• Put them next to your bed and repeat them after waking up and before falling asleep, to install these numbers in your subconscious mind. You can also put the code under your pillow.
• Use crystals. Program them first – link them and then either hold them in your hand regularly or put them under your pillow.
Meditate and visualise – more about meditation below.

3. Articulate the Numbers

You can use affirmations to heal by numbers. Write the code down on the paper and hold it in your hands. You can put one of your hands on your heart. Then repeat an affirmation with the code
“I am attracting healing …, activating code …).

You can work with closed eyes if you have already memorised the code. In the end, do not forget to thank the Universe for healing.

Also, if you are working to become richer etc. do not forget to add that your goal will not harm anyone and this goal is for the greater good of all.

Concentration on strings of numbers can take place anywhere and anytime. You do not need to read them aloud e.g., on the bus but visualize them.

4. Meditate and Visualise

In the case of visualisation, imagine the goal. See how the energy of the code is touching the ill organ/system in the body and dissolving the energy of your illness/disease/ailment.

You can add geometric cubes or visualise the numbers as the green healing Divine Light. Moreover, add a mantra


The basis is the visualization of desire and purpose. You also need to have faith that healing will manifest in your life.

In the case of meditation, once you have memorized the code, sit straight, or lie down and close your eyes. Then visualize yourself being in a place of peace and happiness.

The next step is cleansing all your energy under the waterfall or with the White Divine Light. Then lie down on the grass or cuddle with a tree with the number of your healing code.

Feel like the energy of health is touching your ill parts of the body and healing them. In the end, do not forget to charge your batteries with the energy of Mother Earth on the beach.

5. Do Not Forget To Take Care of Your Health

No healing method will work if you continue to poison your body, mind and soul with toxic food, negative thoughts, and mischievous acts. Remember about self-care, loving other beings and self-love.

Healing Codes List

I will give you only a couple of examples. More can be found in Grabovoy’s books. I will start with general healing:

o 1 4 1 1 1 9 6 3 – unifying your body, mind and soul
o 9 1 8 7 9 4 8 1 8 1 – self-healing of the body
o 4 8 1 8 9 5 1 7 4 9 8 1 4 – self esteem
o 8 8 8 4 1 2 1 2 8 9 0 1 8 – love
o 3 8 5 6 7 9 4 – romantic love

Health – some examples:

1 8 8 4 3 2 1 – Unknown disease

o Alcoholism: 1 4 8 5 4 3 2 9 2
o Cardiac disease: 8 4 2 1 4 3 2
o Diabetes: 8 8 1 9 9 7 7
o Hypertension: 8 1 4 5 4 3 2
o Colon cancer: 5 8 2 1 4 3 5
o Epilepsy: 1 4 8 4 8 5 5

In a Nutshell

Today I have written about the five-step formula to heal by numbers using the Grabovoi method. You have also learnt the codes for healing the most common diseases and some general challenges. Good luck with your recovery and prosperity. With love and light,

Vicky Yang

The content of Awaken Happy Life is published for educational and informative purposes only. It does not substitute medical or any other professional advice. Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition. The author of Awaken Happy Life is not liable for any consequences of applying any piece of advice published on this website by the reader.


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