How to Overcome Stress: Mind and Body

Learn effective strategies to combat stress and regain your peace of mind. Explore mental, spiritual, physical, and social approaches to overcome stress and build resilience.

overcome stress

Discover mindfulness, positive thinking, goal setting, meditation, gratitude, connecting with nature, exercise, sleep, balanced diet, social support, and self-care as powerful tools to reduce stress and reclaim inner peace.

Stress is an unwelcome guest that often finds its way into our lives, causing havoc and overwhelming us. Fortunately, various ways exist to combat stress and regain peace of mind. In today’s blog post, we will explore four approaches to overcoming stress: mental, spiritual, physical, and social.

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How to Overcome Stress

Many ways help cope with stress. However, in order to achieve this goal holistically, you need to involve your body, mind, soul and environment, mostly people. Therefore, I have decided to split the article into two separate ones. Today I will be talking about body and mind.

The Mental Ways to Cope with Stress

Learn how to used your mind for combating stress:

1. Clearing the Clutter

Have you ever noticed how a messy environment can contribute to mental stress? Cluttered spaces can make it difficult to focus and increase feelings of anxiety. To combat this, take some time to declutter your physical surroundings.

Start with one small area at a time, whether it’s your desk, closet, or kitchen counter. Sort through the items and decide what you truly need and what can be discarded or donated. By creating a clean and organized space, you will be amazed at how much lighter and calmer you’ll feel.

The books listed below will give you even more tips on how to clear the clutter: they have helped me reorganise my life, not only on the physical level.

2. Organizing Your Day

Another effective way to reduce mental stress is by organizing your day. A chaotic schedule can leave you feeling overwhelmed and constantly playing catch-up. Start by prioritizing your tasks and creating a to-do list.

Break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable ones, and allocate specific time slots for each task. This will not only help you stay organized but also give you a sense of accomplishment as you check off completed tasks. Remember to be realistic with your time and allow yourself to take breaks to recharge and relax.

3. Avoiding Unhealthy Habits

We all have our vices, whether it’s reaching for that sugary snack, indulging in excessive caffeine, or relying on alcohol to unwind. While these habits may provide temporary relief, they can actually contribute to increased mental stress in the long run. Instead, focus on adopting healthier habits that promote mental well-being.

Choose nutritious foods that nourish your body and mind, engage in regular physical activity to release endorphins, and prioritize quality sleep to recharge. By avoiding unhealthy habits and embracing healthier alternatives, you’ll be better equipped to handle stress.

Recommended books about habits – each of them has changed my life. Joe Dispenza has taught me to become beware of my everyday thoughts and to stop focusing on the past.

Stephen Covey has shown me how to prioritise and create a fulfilling life personally and in relationships.

James Clear (I read a month ago) teaches that to change the habit it is not enough to set a goal, you need to have to perceive yourself as doing this habit and have the right tools for the change.

Apart from the physical and mental world, learn which habits help you raise your vibrations.

4. Write It Down and Disarm Stress by Journaling

I have written a couple of articles about journaling so far. This way is only a summary of what you can do to make the most of journaling.

When you write in your diary or journal, it is a powerful tool for disarming the mind and reducing mental stress. Putting pen to paper lets you express your thoughts and emotions, helping you gain clarity and perspective.

Take a few minutes daily to write down your thoughts, worries, and achievements. Reflect on your experiences and explore any patterns or triggers that may be causing stress.

Additionally, consider practising gratitude by jotting down things you are thankful for. Journaling can be a cathartic and therapeutic practice that promotes self-awareness and mental well-being.

Recommended reading:

4 Proven Steps to Write a Holistic Self-Love Journal

because of the fear of rejection, people give flowers to other people

5. Do Crossword Puzzles and Count Backwards

Engaging in activities that challenge your mind can be a fun and effective way to reduce mental stress. Crossword puzzles, sudoku, or other brain teasers not only provide a distraction from daily worries but also stimulate your cognitive abilities.

Similarly, counting backwards from a large number can help redirect your thoughts and break the cycle of stress. These activities shift your focus to the present moment, allowing you to temporarily let go of stressors and find mental clarity.

6. Minimize Phone Use and Screen Time

In today’s digital age, it’s easy to get sucked into the never-ending cycle of notifications, social media, and endless scrolling. However, excessive phone use and screen time can contribute to mental stress and a feeling of being constantly “switched on.”

Take intentional breaks from your devices and set boundaries for yourself. Designate specific times to check your phone or engage in screen-related activities, and use the remaining time to disconnect and engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

While smartphones, computers, and tablets are often necessary, using them too often may increase stress levels.

The Physical Ways of Taming Stress

You probably know some of them, while others are not so obvious. However, how committed are you to implementing these tools of stress pacification?

7. Listen to High-Vibrational Music and Dance

Music can heal or destroy. Some kinds of music can be very useful. Think of Solfeggio frequencies or the 432 Hz and 528 Hz ones.

Of course, these are not the only frequencies that help to reduce stress. So, turn on some uplifting and soothing music that resonates with your soul. This can also be a rock ballad if it soothes your mind. While listening to your favourite music or the healing frequencies, you shift your energy and become peaceful and calm.

Try these pieces of music:

Stephen Halpern

Mitchell Dahood

101 chakra healing affirmations


Now let’s talk about movement, which is one of the best kinds of stress therapy. Add dance to your music to amplify the effects. You can dance when nobody is watching. You will not only improve your heart pumping but also release tension and let stress go.

8. Use Movement

Of course, apart from dancing you can use other forms of movement while listening to your favourite music. Movement can also be practised in silence. the most common ways of movement are:

  • Exercise. Go for a brisk walk, do a workout or jog. Riding a bike is also helpful. While exercising, you stimulate the happiness hormones in your body, like endorphins.

  • Yoga. Stretching and breathing relax your muscles. You also practice mindfulness, by focusing on your body rather than on the external world. When you add physical movement and your favourite music, the result will be stunning.

  • Stretching. it makes miracles even during a short break at work while sitting on your chair or lying in bed after waking up. You will not only relieve stress but improve flexibility as well.

  • Swimming. Go to the beach in the summer to enjoy the goodness of the sea or use a swimming pool all year long. You will move freely while the ater will massage your joints. Add meditation and mindfulness for a stronger effect.

  • Buy and squeeze a stress ball. Use it whenever you feel stressed with the mindful intention of stress relief. In this way, you will relieve tension and provide a sens of serenity.

  • Breathing exercises. Try this technique take a deep breath by your nose, hold it for 2 seconds, and then slowly exhale, also through your nose. In this way, you will trigger the body’s relaxation response and help to reduce stress and anxiety. Add diffusers with calming scents: you can use orange, lavender, yleng-lyang or rose. By doing so, stress will be released more quickly and more effectively.n

9. Massage

Why is massage helpful while soothing stress? You stimulate your meridians. Go to the spa or order a reflexology session to relax your body, mind and soul. Add the intention of stress relief to amplify the effects.

You can also use self-massage by using a tennis ball or a foam roller. Physical touch also makes wonders. Moreover, you can massage some specific areas of your body, the places where your chakras are.

Recommended reading – massage and chakras – Amazon


Other Ways of Combating Stress

Let me present you with more ways to reduce stress:

  • Breathing – inhale peace and harmony and exhale all the energy of stress. You can use the nose-nose or nose-mouth breathing. In the case of severe anxiety, breathe in your mouth and breathe out by nose.

  • Light a candle and observe its flame, intending to cleanse stress. You can also visualise the energy of the candle burning anxious thoughts.

  • Change the program written in your cells. Fire and wire peace and tranquillity, together with joy and eliminate fearful chemicals from your body. Find yourself a memory that ignites peace and harmony and remember to focus on it visualising.

  • Use affirmations to reprogram your cellular memory. You can write them down, then say them aloud, and even record them on a dictaphone, listening later. Be persistent in using this technique

  • EFT – tap your body while uttering your affirmations. More about this technique can be found in posts under the “mind” and “thought” tags on this website.

  • Remember to laugh and smile. Look into your eyes in the mirror and smile, even if it is artificial initially. Watch funny cartoons or imagine doing so to utter some laugh.

Recommended Books

Mike Moreland

Isy Grigg

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Credits to Thank you.

In a Nutshell

Your mind and body can be very useful tools to reduce stress and anxiety. Use your full potential to reprogram your cellular memory and create new habits. Good luck. With lots of love and light,

Vicky Yang


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